Site conditions of use

This is a courtesy translation. The french version remains the execution version.

By accessing this site, the user undertakes to comply with its conditions of use and declares to have prior Internet access, to know the rules and uses, the technical capacities and performances and to have the all hardware and software necessary for browsing the Internet.
The user guarantees Vila Bali against any illicit, non-compliant and/or unauthorized use of the information accessible via this site.

The user is solely responsible for the use of the information accessible via this site, which Vila Bali reserves the right to modify at any time, in particular by updating this site.

Vila Bali reserves the right to automatically delete or modify certain features of the site, without notice or compensation.

The user undertakes to respect Internet usage and current regulations and not to disclose illegal information via this site.

The user is solely responsible for the identity he gives and the information he sends.

Any use of any data made from the user's email address is deemed to have been made by the user.

Vila Bali does not guarantee in any way the accuracy or completeness of the information offered by the referenced sites.

Direct rental or rental via other booking sites

Like many owners, we, Vila Bali, work with several OTAs (online tourist office) such as Gîtes de France or AirBnb. As Gîtes de France asks us, we publish our Gîtes de France public rates on the “Gîtes de France public rates” page when you book from the Gîtes de France website or when you call the Gîtes de France reservation center.

But we most often rent directly with vacationers. As soon as you call us on the telephone or select dates from our availability calendar on this site, you enter into a private negotiation relationship with us and we offer you prices constantly adapted to supply and demand. and we adjust them since we do not pay reservation fees to OTAs as part of this rental directly with us.

Intellectual property

All elements (information, data, brands, logos, photos, different graphic representations, etc.) present on the site are the exclusive property of Vila Bali and its partners or the rights of use have been acquired by Vila Bali, and are protected by copyright, legislation on the legal protection of databases, by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code, or by any right recognized by the legislation in force.

This does not concern the links section where the logos of the entities to which the links are made appear.

The reminder of these protections appears on all pages of this Site by the following copyright:
© Vila Bali
In application of the French Code of Intellectual Property and, more generally, international treaties and agreements containing provisions relating to the protection of copyright, the user is authorized to download, reproduce and print the information present on this site solely for private use or for information purposes. non-commercial on condition of not modifying the information and subject to reproducing the copyright notice on all copies.

The user is prohibited from reproducing for any other use: selling, distributing, issuing, broadcasting, adapting, modifying, publishing, in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, the data, presentation or organization of the Site or the works protected by copyright which appear on the Site without specific and prior written authorization from Vila Bali.

The user is also prohibited from introducing data on the Site which would modify or which would be likely to modify the content or appearance of the data, the presentation or the organization of the Site or of the works appearing on the Site and by any process whatsoever.

Consequently, by accessing the site, the user acknowledges that the elements composing it are legally protected.

No license or other right to use any intellectual property right is granted. Violation of these provisions subjects any offender, or any responsible person, to the criminal and civil penalties provided for by French legislation.


All information accessible via this site is provided as is.

Vila Bali gives no guarantee, explicit or implicit, and assumes no liability relating to the use of this information. Vila Bali is not responsible for the accuracy, errors or omissions contained on this site. The user is solely responsible for the use of such information. Vila Bali reserves the right to modify these terms at any time, in particular by updating this site. Vila Bali and its partners cannot be held responsible for any damage, whether direct or indirect, resulting from information contained on this site. The user undertakes not to transmit on this site any information that could give rise to civil or criminal liability and as such undertakes not to disclose illegal, contrary to public order or defamatory information via this site.

Hypertext links:

The links set up from the site to other sites cannot engage the responsibility of Vila Bali or its partners, particularly with regard to the content of these sites, but also with regard to technical risks.

All sites having a hypertext link with this site (a hypertext link targeting this site or established from it), are not under the control of Vila Bali which declines all responsibility for their content. The user is solely responsible for their use.

The creation of hypertext links to the site is completely authorized as long as these links do not harm Vila Bali or harm its interests.

Nominative information

The personal data provided by the user to Vila Bali are only used for the smooth running of exchanges between the customer and Vila Bali as well as in the implementation of the services offered by Vila Bali.

In accordance with articles 39 et seq. of law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, you can obtain communication and, where applicable, rectification or deletion of information which you concern by writing to our address.


Vila Bali reserves the right to use cookies for the following purposes: personalization of the site, to facilitate navigation on the site, traffic analysis, compilation of statistics. The site's cookies do not contain any data that could identify you personally, and they are designed for use only by this site. We inform you that you can oppose the recording of these “cookies” by configuring your computer or modifying the settings of your browser. Please note, however, that by refusing cookies, your use of the site and the services offered may be limited.

Updating the site's legal notices

Vila Bali reserves the right to update this legal notice at any time, depending on the evolution of the content of the site and the additional necessary protection constraints. Vila Bali therefore invites all users to visit this page each time they consult the site in order to read it.